2025-03-26     عدد زوار الموقع: 5793266

Orange Jordan Fosters Entrepreneurial Skills of Coding Academy Students through Specialized Workshop

نشر 2025-03-25 17:36:32
شارك الخبر

اللحظة الاخباري -

Orange Jordan organized a workshop titled "Building a Business Model: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Field of Information Technology" for more than 50 female and male students from the Coding Academy in Amman, implemented under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers (ODC).  

The workshop was led by the Associate Professor of Economics and Technology Policies at the University of Jordan and member of the Board of Directors of the Innovative Startups and SMEs Fund, Dr. Ashraf Bani Mohammad, where it addressed key topics including business models and their basic components, strategies for developing revenue sources and scalability, in addition to the basics of entrepreneurship, identifying opportunities, and managing risks.

Orange Jordan stressed the workshop's value in equipping program participants with comprehensive skills to transform their programming knowledge into innovative business concepts, preparing them to become future leaders in their field. This provides a model for the integration of the programs provided by the company and its keenness to be part of their long-term experience.

The workshop, which participants found highly interactive, included a comprehensive review of the latest emerging technologies and their role in digital transformation, in addition to strategies for validating ideas and mechanisms for growth and expansion in the market. This step comes as an extension of the ongoing cooperation between Orange Jordan and Dr. Ashraf Bani Mohammad, who previously provided several online training sessions.

To learn more, please visit our website: www.orange.jo.

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