2024-09-08     عدد زوار الموقع: 4533772

Mohammad Abu AlGhanam, Orange Jordan’s Newly Appointed CFO: Experience & Strategic Vision

نشر 2024-07-20 12:40:10
شارك الخبر

اللحظة الاخباري -

Orange Jordan’s newly appointed Chief Financial Officer, Mohammad Abu AlGhanam has just embarked on a successful journey that began on July 1st, equipped with an extensive experience both inside and outside Orange Group.

Academically, Abu AlGhanam holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Princess Sumaya University of Technology, and a Master’s degree in Mobile Communication from ParisTech (Télécom Paris). Currently, he is working to get a Master’s degree in Executive Business Administration from ESCP in Paris. To enrich his knowledge, he completed several financial management and strategic planning courses from reputable international educational institutions such as BCG and HEC in Paris.

Professionally, Abu AlGhanam led a successful journey at Orange Group in several European countries, as he played a pivotal role in business development and made significant contributions in the performance efficiency arena in addition to the implementation of social responsibility projects. With this outstanding career, Abu AlGhanam culminated 15 years of successes and strategic contributions with his new role as the Chief Financial Officer at Orange Jordan. 

During the period between 2016 and 2020, Abu AlGhanam occupied the position of the Financial Controlling Director at Orange Jordan, the Technology Department Controlling Team Leader at Orange Belgium from 2014 to 2016, and Senior Business Perf. Analyst at Orange Group/ Group Strategy Division from 2011 to 2014.

He held the position of Networks Perf. & Cost Modeling Project Manager at Orange Group/ Technical Division from 2008 to 2011, and possesses a supporting vision toward digital investments. 

For more information, please visit our website: www.orange.jo.


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