2025-03-25     عدد زوار الموقع: 5790097

Orange Jordan and MoDEE Launch Incubation Phase of 100 Ideas from the Entrepreneurship Hackathon

نشر 2025-03-23 17:05:38
شارك الخبر

اللحظة الاخباري -

Orange Jordan, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE), announced the kick-off of the incubation phase of 100 finalist entrepreneurial ideas participating in the Entrepreneurship Hackathon 2024. This falls under the General Entrepreneurship Policy projects implemented nationwide, with the aim of providing entrepreneurs with training, mentoring, communication opportunities with the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and logistical support to amplify the chances of their projects’ success and its sustainable growth through Orange Incubators, implemented under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers (ODC). 

Orange Jordan welcomed the female and male entrepreneurs who qualified to this phase during a reception day held at the Innovation Hub in Orange Digital Village. During the day, areas of support werehighlighted in addition to the vital sectors that the participants will be encouraged to be part of, including agricultural technology, education, renewable energy, and tourism. The event was held in the presence of representatives from MoDEE and Orange Jordan. The attendees discussed the significant role of the incubation phase in accelerating the growth of the startups and opening new horizons for entrepreneurs to expand their business.

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship stressed that these initiatives align with its commitment to supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Jordan by enabling youth to transform their ideas into successful projects that contribute to sustainable economic development, serving Jordan's vision of promoting innovation and growth.

Orange Jordan emphasized the importance of the incubation phase in providing entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and mentoring to transform their ideas into viable and scalable projects that contribute to supporting national development. The company reaffirmed its continued commitment to supporting innovators and entrepreneurs across the Kingdom and expanding its efforts to empower a new generation of leaders capable of making a positive impact in various vital sectors.

It is worth mentioning that the entrepreneurial landscape in Jordan has witnessed a remarkable development in recent years, as the percentage of early entrepreneurship activity increased from 9.1% in 2020 to 15.7% in 2024, according to statistics issued by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship. This reflects the growing demand for the establishment of entrepreneurial projects and the importance of supporting such initiatives.

To learn more, please visit our website www.orange.jo.

- End – 

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