2025-01-20     عدد زوار الموقع: 5356580

In Amman and Irbid Orange Foundation Jordan & Terre des hommes (Tdh) Join Powers to Inaugurate two New Locations within Women’s Digital Centers

نشر 2025-01-20 18:40:58
شارك الخبر

اللحظة الاخباري -

Orange Foundation Global and Orange Foundation Jordansigned a partnership agreement with Terre des hommes (Tdh), the leading Swiss organization for child rights, where bothparties will team up to open two new locations within Women’s Digital Centers. The new centers, located in Amman and Irbid, will expand the reach to include more women in all the governorates of Jordan.

The two new centers will complement the existing network of 8 Women’s Digital Centers, located across various governorates under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers(ODC). Through these centers, Orange Foundation Jordanoffers comprehensive support to women empowering them with a dynamic space that inspires their creativity and nurtures their talent by enhancing their digital and soft skills.

Given the shared vision between both parties, the sole purpose of this joint endeavor is to create a better reality for women. In this regard, Orange Foundation Jordan emphasized that teaming up with Tdh will significantly increase the number of women who can benefit from the programs and courses that will take place at the new two centers. Areas of training will revolve around primary digital skills such as programmingand mobile applications development, in addition to advanced training programs in entrepreneurship, skills management, tips for mental health and others, enabling them to lay the foundation for a better future.

It is worth noting that Orange Foundation Jordan graduated a new cohort from the Women’s Digital Centers last year, bringing the number of female graduates to over 900. They are currently serving their communities and contributing to the national development journey. 

To learn more, you can pay a visit to our website: www.orange.jo.

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In Amman and Irbid Orange Foundation Jordan & Terre des hommes (Tdh) Join Powers to Inaugurate two New Locations within Women’s Digital Centers

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